Do not accumulate harmful condensate water in your compressor line. Drain them with IDEAL MAKINA CONDENSATE DRAIN UNITS!
Drainage water equipment is the most overlooked component of a compressed air system, but still the most important part. Regardless of how much money you spend on high-quality equipment for compressed air (compressors, dryers, filters), the condensate becomes worthless if the condensate is not drained from the system. Condensate in the compressed air system can cause major problems; inconsistent dry air supply causes production problems, rust formation, machinery malfunctions, freezing in winter. Condensate drains are installed in air dryers, filters and air tanks to remove this condensate from the compressed air system. The condensite in the air lines must be sent to the OMEGA WOS water-oil separator to separate the water and oil before it is discharged from the system. It is very important that discharge units run smoothly in order for filters and dryers to perform their duties.
OMEGA Condensate Drain Units; are offered to use with its mechanical, time controlled, electronic sensor (without air loss) and resistancy up to 400 bar pressure on request.
Contact our Engineers for detailed information about our models.

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