Oxygen or O2, which constitutes 21% of the world atmosphere, is a colorless, odorless and tasteless gas. Oxygen supports life and makes it possible to burn. It is the most abundant element in our world. 85% of the oceans, 46% of rocks and minerals, 60% of the human body is oxygen. Oxygen is not flammable, it makes it possible to burn. It causes all materials that can burn in the air to burn faster. It is used in many industrial applications due to its combustion acceleration feature.
The desired purity of oxygen gas in the range of 93% – 99.5% is being produced by separating the nitrogen molecules in the compressed air received from the compressor with our Oxygen generators running with the PSA technology.
Our Oxygen Generators either directly or with a cylinder filling station have a wide range of use, from hospitals fighting with pandemic to a live fish transport ship cruising in the Mediterranean, from ozone generators to iron and steel factories, from mining facilities to metal cutting and welding facilities.

Medical Applications

Glass Manufacturing

Rock Woll – Glass Wool


Waste Water Treatment

Fish Farming
