Consisting of high efficiency equipment selected to work together in harmony, the only need for Plug & Play Oxygen Generator System is the power connection. It is very easy to produce your own oxygen gas and fill your empty oxygen cylinders with Ideal Makina Oxygen Generators and mobile container cylinder filling stations! By producing your own oxygen gas which is much more economical compared to the cost of your cylinder purchasings, you can fill your cylinders by yourself and can save considerably.
Pipe connections, electrical wiring, main energy distribution together with control panel and all accessories in the skid mounted are assembled in the most accurate way and ready to be used. The produced high purity nitrogen gas is being filled into oxygen cylinder bundles at 150barg pressure and fully responds to your variable oxygen consumption. These systems are presenting the produced oxygen gas uninterruptedly in the desired quantity, required pressure and high purity.
Deep experience of having installed more than 500 nitrogen & oxygen generator systems for more than 16 years; İDEAL MAKİNA guarantees high quality of Plug & Play Nitrogen Generator Systems.
With the skid mounted oxygen cylinder filling station designed by İdeal Makina with a special design, you can produce oxygen gas much more economically compared to your cylinder purchasing costs and can make serious savings!
Little space requirement with its compact design. Can be carried by forklift, pallet truck or Crane and is mobile.
Produced with optimum design considering the ease of maintenance in placing the equipment on the skid.
Oxygen production capacity, pressure and purity settings made by IDEAL MAKINA engineers beforehand.
With all electrical and mechanical assemblies installed, they are placed in the field and put into operation in a very short time.
Availability of cecessary thermal switches are in the Main Electricity Distribution Board. The only need will be electrical cable that must be provided by user. No concrete base needed.
Final product that has been tested, ready to use and finalized in IDEAL MAKINA workshop.
Electricity distribution panel, high pressure safety accessories and pipe connections leakage tests completed.
Provides uninterrupted supply in variable oxygen consumption through storing at 150 barg oxygen bundles.
User friendly, automatic “START STOP”.
Eyebolts to carry by Crane and knife entrance to transport by forklift are available for all skids.
NPU 120 profile used in the subframe. The ground is made of 2mm DKP and 2mm knotted aluminum sheet.
Designed for container transportation.
Main Electricity Distribution Panel available on skid over which the entire system can be controlled.
Skid primer paint is epoxy and topcoat is epoxy painted. Paint colour option according to the desired color codes.
Details such as mechanical and electrical installations and condensate drain channels completed, all leakage tests are performed and ready for dispatch
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